Trevin Wax on Praying through the Life of Jesus in 30 Days

In this conversation, Trevin Wax talks about his book Life of Jesus in 30 Days and the prayer journey it offers. He explains the inspiration behind the book and the structure of the prayer journey, which involves praying three times a day. Trevin emphasizes the importance of punctuating the day with prayer and the compounding effect of regular prayer. He also discusses the benefits of engaging with different genres of Scripture in prayer and the importance of blending structure and spontaneity. Finally, Trevin addresses the challenges of busyness and distractions, offering encouragement to maintain prayer discipline.

Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University. A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, Religion News Service, World, and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. He has served as general editor of The Gospel Project and has taught courses on mission and ministry at Wheaton College. He is the author of multiple books, including The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching.

Key Takeaways

  • Praying three times a day can help punctuate the day with prayer and create a rhythm of dependence on God.

  • Regular prayer has a compounding effect over time, shaping our hearts and minds to align with God's will.

  • Engaging with different genres of Scripture in prayer can enrich our understanding and deepen our relationship with God.

  • Finding a balance between structure and spontaneity in prayer can help us develop a consistent prayer life.

  • Even in busy seasons, it is important to prioritize prayer and integrate our busy lives into our relationship with God. Distractions and temptations are prevalent in our modern era, making it challenging to stay focused on God and His purposes.

  • Reorienting ourselves to God requires acknowledging the wandering nature of our hearts and minds and intentionally centering ourselves through practices like reading the Gospels and Psalms.

  • Encountering Jesus and spending time in the Psalms can help us become more like Him.

  • Resources like Life of Jesus in 30 Days and Psalms in 30 Days can revolutionize our prayer life by providing scriptural sustenance and structure to our prayers.


  • Get Life of Jesus in 30 Days at the link to Amazon.

  • Check out Trevin’s other prayer book, Psalms in 30 Days.

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